Every woman who looks in the mirror and dreams of becoming even more slim. And starts the search for all kinds of diets, physical exercises, and everything becomes much easier.
For this you will need a proper nutrition for weight loss menu for each day.
What is the secret?

Happens, everything is much more easy than it seems at first. Excess weight may occur due to slow processes, but many times the causes can be completely different.
- The habit of eating more than to spend the calories.
- The wrong way. In the morning tea breakfast, lunch sandwiches and, at night, everything that does not have time to eat throughout the day. After you sleep.
- Lead a sedentary life.
- Eating poor products with a large content of preservatives.
If, with the goal of losing weight you decide to eat is to be the best option, you should do the diet the correct food to lose weight each day. It is a food is able to cleanse the body of impurities and toxins. And refined, the body will be much easier and more productive to work with.
A menu for every day weight loss
- The breakfast. The day is best to start with the porridge. This may be of wheat or oats of your choice. Soldering it better in the water, and then you can add skimmed milk. You can't use sugar, optionally, it can be replaced with a tablespoon of honey. Add fruit (pear, apple, orange or berries. Drink the best green tea.
At breakfast you can cook the oats, this recipe: take 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of milk and 3 oatmeal. All join us in the evening and leave until morning.
- A late breakfast. Ideal cottage cheese. You can add honey and fruit. But remember that the honey can be there only until lunch time and, in total, no more than a tablespoon.
- Lunch. This can be soup. It is also suitable cooked chicken meat. In the second suitable rice and lemon salad.
- Snack of the afternoon. You can make a fruit salad. Pear, apple, banana grate on a grater and pour in the yogurt. Or eat some nuts, apple, orange, pear.
- Dinner. Cooked beef. Beet salad cooked carrot.
- Before bedtime with a drink of low-fat kefir or yogurt.
The secret lies in the fact that for the breakfast that you ingest quickly adequate carbohydrates. They give the body energy. Brunch is a protein food. Lunch – protein and carbs, but at night is the most suitable protein-rich foods.
Another important item is to drink water. 1 pound of weight of the person has 300 grams of water. You can drink more normal, but it is not for less.
There is a slimming system. She became known is relatively recent, but the results from the application of conquer the fair sex. It was developed to reduce volume, reduction of excess weight and the recovery processes of exchange. In addition to proper nutrition are added as well as a drink and exercise.
The diet of doctor
Dr. developed this diet. The first person that I tried, was he himself. The presence of a large amount of excess weight was the reason for the development. Adhering to the diet, he was able to shoot down more than 50 kg.
To the joy of many people who wish to lose weight, the diet doctor is not considered a strict diet. Women, even after you applied this system and exchanged the extra pounds, continue to follow the rules. The doctor believes that, if the person is going to sit on a diet a certain time, sooner or later, it will still fall in products with high calorie content. This will even more intense to gain weight.
- To find the cause.
- Put the goals in every week, to lose weight.
- Learn the products and the time, when they should be consumed.
Advantages of the diet

- There is no feeling of hunger.
- There are clear premises that, when there is. Each one may choose the products that you most like.
- There is no dramatic reduction of weight, that is the ideal options for human health.
- The diet that russia does not have difficult conditions even in comparison with others. A woman can afford to eat, even after six in the evening. This is the ideal option for those who want to look beautiful, but is open until late.
The only restriction to this diet is the presence of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Pre-see your doctor.
The products that cannot be consumed
- Sugar and everything that involves.
- Pastries.
- Products savoury.
- Alcoholic beverages.
- Semi-finished products.
- Foods that contain food additives.
Phases of the diet
- Preparation. It is necessary for the man, who learns to lose weight, it dominates all the rules. Slowly but surely, you must delete all the banned products. Gradually, in the menu are added fruits and vegetables. You should drink plenty of fluids. Just remember that the tea or juice can not replace water.
- The initial phase. This period spends about three weeks. Goal: clean the intestine, gradually reduce the portion. Now begins the execution of the exercise. This can be a walk in the fresh air or running. No need to give large loads.
For best effect, you need to before a meal to drink two glasses of fresh water. Preferably warm, and is cool, as the body will spend more energy to heat it.
- The restructuring of the body. It is a long period of time. Its duration can be up to 6 months. This time is the most interesting for weight loss. Occurs in the reduction of weight reduction of the layer of fat, the amount. Not heavy weight, everything is measured.
- Conclusion. Be sure to adhere to a proper diet. You can be at this moment. It is not possible to connect fats and carbohydrates. Before bed you should drink kefir. Eating is necessary, at least five times per day.
On the system of less than 60
Another system, that gives you the opportunity to lose weight in a period of 12 days, when you do this, not by restricting supply, can be used during the exercise.
- The meals we divided them in three times. Between meals are resolved snacks. Each dose should be of small size and contain easily acquired products. Can be consumed alcohol, coffee, tea, but only instead of sugar it is best to use a sweetener synthetic. From alcohol it is allowed to take a small amount of white wine.
- Breakfast should be. It may consist of a slice of cheese or a piece of rye bread. The candy can be consumed, but only until lunch time. This can be a tablespoon of honey or more slices of the chocolate black.
- Follow-up, the best choice is the rice, wheat, barley, barley cereal. The potatoes and noodles are strictly prohibited. Recommended also refuse to fried foods. Delete the sour cream and the mayonnaise. It is not possible to eat meat dishes at once, but it can be done separately.
- Eat can only be up to 18: 00. If very hungry, and the person can not sleep, then it is advisable to replenish your body with a cup of yogurt. This problem can occur only in the initial phase of the system of less than 60.
- You can drink what you like. Not necessarily to force yourself to drink 2 liters of water. Also may not limit the intake of salt.
Diet a week for weight loss
The first day

- The breakfast. Milk – 200 grams, a cup of green tea.
- A late breakfast. The apple.
- Lunch. Burgers with salad.
- Snack of the afternoon. Fruit.
- Dinner. Light soup with salad.
The second day
- The breakfast. A cup of tea, along with a fruity bread.
- A late breakfast. 1 orange.
- Lunch. The fish fillet, cooked in the oven. The rice. Salad vegetables.
- Snack of the afternoon. Papaya, steamed raisins, pineapple, walnuts.
- Dinner. Julien. Salad.
The third day
- The breakfast. Prepare granola. A cup of tea. After a few hours, you can eat 1 apple.
- Lunch. Summer salad", fettuccine with chicken breast meat.
- Dinner. Summer Salad". Stuffed with sauce.
Day of the fourth
- The breakfast. Flaked oats, along with nuts or. The green tea.
- Lunch. Braised mushrooms with potato Salad of the Summer."
- Snack of the afternoon. Steamed raisins are connected with nuts, pineapple.
- Dinner. Soup puree with broccoli. Summer Salad".
Day five
- The breakfast. Scrambled eggs. A cup of coffee.
- Lunch. A small portion of cooked chicken. Summer Salad". The rice.
- Dinner. Soup of pumpkin puree. Salad of fresh vegetables.
The sixth day
- The breakfast. Buckwheat porridge with the pineapple. A cup of coffee.
- Lunch. Meat zrazy with fungi. Wheat. Salad with cucumber.
- Dinner. Salad along with Julien.
It is a day of fasting. Not necessarily, for he was the seventh in the account. It is best to choose the day, when you least load. The download make in boiled buckwheat without salt. By day, you can 4 times to eat.
The diet is suitable for men and for women
But if you take the proper nutrition, according to the Zodiac, then Capricorn is recommended to consume meats with all types of salads. It is also important to have products of abundant amount of calcium. This can be the ricotta cheese, yogurt, milk.